WATCH: The Baby Seals – ‘Mild Misogynist’

Mild Misogynist‘ from long-term GIHE faves, Cambridge band The Baby Seals, is a song for every woman who has ever smiled and nodded silently while a mediocre man prattled on about how lucky everyone around him really is to have him in their life, secretly knowing he’s a few pints away from calling his ex crazy.

It is a high energy track with roaring guitars and throbbing drums that releases years of pent up frustration from the very opening bars. There is no attempt to soften the message, creating a cathartic energy that is difficult not to get caught up in.

‘Mild Misogynist’ is a painfully relatable song. It calls out the kind of person that might not be the most abhorrent of bigots, but nonetheless can be a hugely damaging presence in the lives of those around them with their casual approach to misogyny. The only way you don’t listen to this song and immediately think of someone who fits the description perfectly is if you are in fact that person that everyone around you finds terribly exhausting. It calls out nice guys and performative allies, the kind of person who doesn’t do anything that actually helps oppressed people, but makes a big deal out of having a friend with a minority background and is overtly, annoyingly proud of not doing hate crimes while still casually spewing micro-aggressions.

The track has a raw, unfiltered sound that comes right from the gut. There is no filter constricting this outpouring of feeling. It’s an eye-rolling purge of exasperation that comes from finally allowing yourself to speak freely. The upbeat rhythm and fun melodies stand in excellently stark contrast to the irritating subject matter. The song ramps up to its climactic ending, taking immense joy in feeling every emotion. The lines “The girls really like / The way I try / To kiss” are repeated with an increasing sarcasm that is delightful to hear, and revels in the simple yet rare pleasure of fully expressing every moment of built up frustration.

Watch the accompanying new video to ‘Mild Misogynist‘ here:

‘Mild Misogynist’ is our first taster of The Baby Seals’ upcoming debut album, Chaos – set for release this Spring via Trapped Animal. And we cannot wait to hear more of their sassy wit and empowering energy! Find out more about The Baby Seals and their upcoming live shows here.

Kirstie Summers

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