Formed of twin siblings Phoenix and Mercedes Arn Horn, Canadian duo Softcult have had a busy few years touring extensively with the likes of Incubus, Movements and MUSE, as well as releasing a trio of excellent EPs: Year Of The Rat (2021), Year Of The Snake (2022), and See You In The Dark (2023). Now, the pair are gearing up to release a new collection of songs, titled Heaven, which they’ll be sharing on 24th May via Easy Life.

With their shimmering guitar tones, swirling FX and atmospheric dual vocals, Softcult provide their listeners with welcome moments of respite from the pressures of everyday life. With tracks that touch on issues of body image and self esteem, to anthems that advocate for gender equality and anti-capitalism, the duo’s musical ethos is rooted in a desire for a better world than the one we currently exist in. This is the thread that connects the tracks on their upcoming EP, Heaven.

We think one of the best ways to get to know a band is by asking what music inspired them to write in the first place. We caught up with guitarist and vocalist Mercedes to ask about her “Five Favourites” – five tracks that have inspired Softcult’s songwriting techniques. Check out her choices below and scroll down to listen to Softcult’s latest single ‘Spiralling Out‘ at the end of this post…


1. Radiohead – In Rainbows
I can’t say enough about how much this album has influenced me. Since I first heard it I fell in love with Johnny Greenwood’s guitar work, Colin Greenwood’s basslines, and of course Thom Yorke’s hauntingly beautiful vocals and lyrics. It changed the way I think about groove, opening new possibilities on how melodic instruments interact with percussion, and creating melodies that stand alone yet fit together like the intricate pieces of a puzzle. Easily one of my favourite records of all time.

2. The Sundays – Reading, Writing & Arithmetic
This album is so enchanting and captivating for me. I’m drawn in by Harriet Wheeler’s delicate and dreamy vocals and David Gavurin’s shimmering, jangly guitars. Together they create an atmosphere that beautifully captures emotions like ebullience and pensiveness and balances them in such an introspective way. It’s very intelligent music that is also easy to listen to, which is a rare combination. It’s influenced my vocals and melody writing, as well as my guitar style and tone on our dreamier songs.

3. Deftones – Diamond Eyes
Deftones have SO MANY incredible albums, so it’s really hard to choose a favourite, but I think Diamond Eyes is one I keep coming back to because I love the dichotomy of heavy, crushing guitar and atmospheric, heavenly shoegaze ambience. Chino Moreno sings with such angst, yearning, and sort of this agonizing lustiness that I haven’t heard from any other vocals. It’s so expressive. It captures a very specific mood. It definitely has influenced our music in a big way.

4. Cocteau Twins – Head Over Heels
Again, just a huge influence on us in terms of atmosphere, guitar tones, vocals, and overall ambience. This record was so ahead of its time. I think it shaped the sound of dream pop and shoegaze a decade before that scene really bloomed. This record is enchanting and mesmerizing for me. It has a mystery to it. Elizabeth Fraser’s vocal style is a huge influence on me, as well as Robin Guthrie’s guitar style. I don’t think ‘Love Song’ would exist if I’d never been exposed to this album.

5. Bikini Kill – Pussy Whipped
While this album definitely has a different sound than anything Softcult has ever been influenced by musically, I cannot deny that I am deeply inspired by the lyricism and ethos of Kathleen Hanna. Kathleen is the woman who essentially founded the Riot Grrrl movement and zine culture in the feminist punk scene. Her activism through music is what inspired me to be in a band and to use my art to empower people, specifically women, non-binary and trans people.

I honestly try to channel her when I’m on stage, no matter how nervous I might feel. Her ability to channel righteous feminine rage and power into a movement that continues to fight for equality is nothing short of inspiring. We are HEAVILY influenced by Bikini Kill’s fiercely cutting and poignant lyricism as well as the riot grrrl aesthetic and culture that they founded in the 1990s.

Honourable Mention: My Bloody Valentine – Loveless
I feel it would be remiss if I didn’t also include My Bloody Valentine’s album in this list. Sorry, I know we were supposed to only pick five! But this album has so greatly shaped my guitar playing and Phoenix’s production in terms of creating a wall of sound with macerating fuzz into reverb the way Kevin Shields does. I just have to mention it or I couldn’t live with myself.

Thanks to Mercedes for sharing her Five Favourites with us!

Watch the video for Softcult’s latest single ‘Spiralling Out’ below
Pre-order Softcult’s upcoming EP, Heaven, here

Follow Softcult on bandcampSpotifyInstagramFacebook & X

Photo Credit: Kaylene Widdoes

Kate Crudgington

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